5 Tips to Help You Face Diet Culture in the New Year


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It’s that time of year again! The dreadful time of year when everyone talks about their weight loss goals, how “bad” they are during the holidays, and how they plan to repent is January 1.

diet culture While tiring, but rubbing hands in anticipation of annual increases in weight loss and fitness conglomerates sales, we will take a different approach: prepare our minds and bodies to face this diet-palooza without fear or temptation.

Right now, every weight loss company will hone your insecurities so you can buy their products. Here are some easy ways to prepare and boost your confidence so that when Weight Watchers knocks on your door, you can give them the middle finger (0 points).

5 Tips to Help You Face Diet Culture in the New Year

Anti-Diet Culture Tip #1. Read a Fat-Positive Book

Reading (or listening to) fat positive books completely changes the rules of the game! In the last decade, the fat posi book market has exploded at its best. Looking for some sweet or steamy nonfiction? Payment There’s Something About Sweetheart by Sandhya Menon or Something to Watch From Kate Stayman-London. Need some confidence and a reminder that your body is perfect the way it is? To read Things No One Would Tell Fat Girls by Jes Baker; The Body Is Not an Apology, Sonya Renee Tayloror Another F-Word: A Fat and Violent Celebration.

The Body Is Not an Apology, Sonya Renee Taylor
The Body Is Not an Apology, Sonya Renee Taylor

Watching or reading about fat people living their own lives, embarking on adventures and finding love is very inspiring and reminds you that YOU can do all this without losing a pound.

Anti-Diet Culture Tip #2. Clean Up Your Social Media

Hands up if you’re spending more time on social media than you’d like 👋 Me too. But I won’t tell you to delete the app or reduce screen time. Social media is an excellent tool for organizing the personal flow of people and ideas that inspire you. But when this feeding makes you feel worthless, repulsive or jealous, it’s time to make a change. The next time you hit social media, pay attention to how you feel!

Image: Maggie McGill

If someone’s before/after photos make you question your own body, mute or unfollow them. Find and follow people with similar body types and styles. Find and follow people who support ideas that align with your values. Your social network influences most of your day, so make sure it’s all good vibes!

Anti-Diet Culture Tip #3. Create Non-Weight-Based Health Goals

If you want to improve your physical and mental health, now! Many of us are unstable and the start of the year is a great place to check ourselves and make positive changes. But there are tons of health goals that have nothing to do with weight loss. Some health goals you can add to your list of solutions might be:

  • practicing better sleep hygiene
  • Adding meditation to your daily routine
  • Being in touch with nature once a week
  • Finding a therapist you can trust
  • intuitive eating practice
  • Finding a course of action that brings you joy
Image: Maggie McGill
Anti-Diet Culture Tip # 4. Decide to Turn Your Body Away From Love

We can be realistic here: the idea of ​​losing weight and being more “acceptable” can be tempting. But, of course, that becomes a lot less tempting when you realize that 95% of weight loss attempts fail in the long run. But still, we’ve all signed up to a gym at some point or bought equipment that we think will help shrink our bodies. Because basically, no matter how loud we yelled about lifestyle change, we were moving our bodies out of hatred.

Here is a challenge for you: next year, turn your body away from love. When you lace up those sneakers, go for a run because you think it’ll be fun? Or are you running because you ate extra cookies last night and you should punish yourself?

Intention is important because the energy you bring into an exercise session affects your attitude, but also your likelihood of getting back into action. If you move your body out of hatred, you start to hate moving your body.

5 tips to help you face diet culture
Maggie McGill’s Weightless

If you are ready to turn your body away from love, you can take a look at my book. Weightless: How to Lose the Feeling of Guilt and Heal Your Relationship with Movement.

This ebook is a guided journey to intuitive movement and has tons of resources for doing it the healthy way. Also, check out for some accessible motion videos JoynA free app made by fat people for fat people!

How are you preparing for the upcoming diet culture/diet-palooza?

As editors of The Curvy Fashionista, we write about what we love and think you will like. We often have subsidiaries, so we may receive a share of the proceeds from your purchase.

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