5 Simple Ways to Build Style Confidence — Inside Out Style



Reader Request: I don’t have the confidence to trust my own judgment about style.
It seems I’m always trying to balance comfort and things that look great, and I’m not sure I’m getting it right.
It’s no use asking my husband often, who says “you look great” if I’m wearing a sack of potatoes. :blush:
I need to learn to trust myself. Do you have any tips for doing this?

And I know this reader isn’t alone – many women have told me they want to feel stylish but lack the confidence.

So how can you improve your style confidence?

1. Gradual Changes in Your Style

Instead of throwing out your entire wardrobe and starting over—which is impractical for most women (unless you’re on Oprah-type budgets, but even then there’s no guarantee you’ll like anything that’s currently in stores), instead, small incremental changes that will help you achieve that over time – baby steps –. this is what i developed Enhance Your Style The challenge to help you do this is to experiment with a little something every day that can push your style forward by leaps and bounds for over a month.

I wasn’t born with style, and you don’t have to be born either! I see my own style improve drastically from year to year as I made a conscious decision to keep learning, growing, and experimenting. It’s all about getting tye-style training and then putting that knowledge to good use!

2. Know What Works Physically

Instead of flying (or shopping) without seeing it, you need to know what actually works for your body – your body shape, body proportion, body variations – so you can create your own body guidelines and then shop with much more confidence because you know what it is. ways to try and what to avoid. The shapes, styles, and fabrics of clothing are all about fit with your physical build, so having the knowledge and education you need to tackle these style fundamentals and make the best choices is a skill set you likely didn’t learn in school or growing up. up, so it’s such a struggle.

Your colors are also important – the right ones make you look more alive and healthy, and the wrong ones make you look tired or even sick (as my mustard yellow sweater showed me before I discovered it). best colors).

Knowing what aligns with your physique is one of the first keys to developing style confidence, as it gives you a map or set of instructions that will keep you on the right track so you don’t get fooled by “must have” lists. clothes have nothing to do with your style (and no, not everyone needs a white shirt in their closet).

That’s why I created my free body shape calculation quiz So you can find what suits your body shape, it’s a great starting point. And if you really want to deal with all your physicality, please join me. Style Program in 7 Steps aims to give you the knowledge you need to develop your own authentic style.

3. How do you want to be perceived?

The next question is knowing who you are and how you want to be perceived by others.

Clothing is a powerful form of nonverbal communication, and you can use its power really easily. (just like characters in movies and TV wear costumes) to express something about who they are).

Imagine walking into a room with people who know you, what would you like them to say (complete this sentence):

There’s X, it’s always…..

What do you want people to say about you?

How about a room full of people who don’t know you? What would you like them to get about you? What personality traits? What do you want them to think?

When can you identify 3-6 adjectives It’s much easier to start developing a style that sums up what you want people to think, expresses it, and gives you the confidence you want.

These embroidered jeans and top are a great representation of my style and make me feel confident when I wear them.

These embroidered jeans and top are a great representation of my style and make me feel confident when I wear them.

4. Who Are You?

What is your personality and how can you express it in your style? Personality influences all of our style choices, likes and dislikes, from fabrics to prints and patterns, details and accessories. In fact, as I wrote here, personality influences more aspects of clothing choices than body shape, so it’s the first step in personal growth. 7 Steps to Style. If you don’t know how to express your personality with your style in an authentic way that feels real and the best version of you, then you will always struggle to trust what you’re wearing.

5. Style Comes From Confidence

Confidence in any skill comes from doing rather than just thinking, so you need to get the training and then put it into practice. As well as evaluating your wardrobe and getting rid of clothes that don’t make you feel good. It’s really easy to feel confident when you have a wardrobe of clothes that you know look good because they fit all your criteria!

Try, Practice and Improve

So, since you have to dress every day, you have ample opportunity to try and apply what you learn about what works for you, take photos of clothes, as these will help you more than almost anything else to give you feedback and improve your style as you realize what’s wrong. You can see and then start developing.

So what are you waiting for? Take a baby step now – join Enhance Your Style as it was designed with brain-based research to give you more style confidence!

If You Were A Movie Character, What Would You Wear?

Confidence in Style Comes From The Inside Out

How to Build Style Confidence



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