11 Ways to Improve Your Body Image, Self-Acceptance, and Style —


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Dress with Kindness

While many of us have gained some weight over the past 2 years due to the stress of living once in a 100 year pandemic, I get tons of emails from women who are dissatisfied with their bodies and feeling “less”. ” or “not good enough” or somehow their body is failing them and their sense of style. What I’ve noticed in these emails is how easy it is to be negative about ourselves and our bodies, and I thought it was a good excuse to bring up the topic of body image, self-acceptance, and kindness, because we can all do more. kindness, being kind to others and to others and to ourselves.

1. Ways to Improve Your Body Image and Become More Self-Accepting

Start by thinking about how you can have a positive relationship with your body rather than a negative one.

Even starting to realize that you are self-critical is a great first step. So much internal dialogue takes place almost subconsciously, but when we start to bring these thoughts into our consciousness and then question ourselves and say, “Can I talk to a friend like that? Would I tell that to someone else about their body?” If the thought of telling a friend about her body, what you’re saying to yourself, terrifies you, then it’s time to stop saying those things to yourself.

2. Be kind – stop criticizing yourself!

It’s time to give up on the idea that not having a model body or the body you have will make your life perfect. Nothing is perfect in life. Recognize imperfection as beautiful (I love the Japanese concept of Kintsugi, where the imperfections of something broken are embraced and celebrated with a gold leaf, creating an even more beautiful piece). Why not start seeing how you can apply this concept to yourself and your style and you will feel so much better about yourself. I loved the comment I read once Style program in 7 steps About how seeing a wide variety of women and bodies helped this member feel better, the forum could now see that all women are beautiful in their own way and that this idealized “model body” is no longer what she sees as her. just beautiful body type.

3. Remember that you deserve to be loved and accepted in the body you have today.

You are a wonderful human being. You are perfect as you are. You shouldn’t sprain or tie yourself up trying to be someone or something you’re not. The best people will love you for who you are and won’t want you to change. Your body deserves to be loved the way it is. You live! Your body is doing amazing things to allow you to have the life you have and do everything you do every day. It should be appreciated for what it has given you and allowed you to do. Love your body as it is. You have no faults, everything is an entity!

4. Stop Judging

Stop judging other people’s bodies – if you’re criticizing others then you’re criticizing yourself – we all deserve to be loved and accepted for who we are. If you criticize other people’s bodies, it will have a negative impact on your self-esteem and body image. See if you can begin to understand when you do, and instead reframe your thoughts to find something beautiful and accepting about that person’s body. Find assets that don’t focus on “flaws”.

5. Get rid of the NECESSARY

I really hate SHOULDS, that’s just another way of criticizing yourself, and as we’ve just discussed, it’s not good for you and your mental health. Who exactly is it and who says you have to be anything but what you are? Wo says they’re right and you’re wrong? You should not be younger, thinner, firmer, prettier than you are. no age or size limit for style.

6. What Do You Consume?

It’s not about what you eat, it’s about what media you consume. There is a wealth of research showing that mainstream and social media can have a negative impact on your body image. So clean your social media of unrealistic bodies (anybody?), avoid fashion magazines if they make you feel “less.” Stop following people with an unrealistic body type. Instead, look for people who are more like you and be inspired by gorgeous and stylish women who don’t look like supermodels at all.

7. Appreciate what your body can do for you

This is great for helping you start to appreciate your body and improve your body image. Write a letter to your body (instructions here) and print it out, hang it up where you can see it, and read it daily until the message about how great your body truly is begins to be understood. Mine raised two people – how amazing is that! This is just the beginning of what you’ve done for me. He traveled the world with me, took me to all kinds of places and allowed me to taste all kinds of delicious food and drink, and he hugs my family every day. I wouldn’t be without it. Alright and you?

8. Practice gratitude for your body every day

If you live under a rock somewhere, you may not have learned yet that the practice of gratitude has tremendous mental health benefits. So why not add to this gratitude practice the 3 things your body does for you every day, so you start to truly appreciate how wonderful you and your body really are every day! learn to say i love you to your body (tips here).

Angel wings on a jacket - be your own angel

Be your own body image angel, be kind to yourself, and dress with kindness and care every day.

9. Dress Your Body With Love

Dress your body with love – focus on highlighting rather than camouflage – treat it worthy of love and attention. Find clothes that match it, beautiful colors that make you shine, fabrics that feel great on your skin, and cuts that highlight your beauty. Style can be a form of self-care. Spend a few moments each day appreciating your body by choosing stylish clothes that express who you are from the inside out and make you who you are. feel authentic and the best version of yourself is worth the time and effort.

10. Get Attention

Speak positively to your body, if you’re having trouble stopping, try this little experiment for a week. Get a large rubber band that fits snugly around your wrist (this is one of the thick ones) and then every time you catch yourself having a negative thought or talking to yourself, rest it on your wrist. Yes, it hurts, but so do these thoughts, and then as you reframe them into something positive (as I just mentioned), you’ll find that you quickly begin to detach yourself from those negative thoughts.

11. The Practice of Self-Acceptance

You may have noticed in the video that I started crying and decided not to edit. I was surprised at my feelings and went into “fight/escape/freeze/sooze” mode and almost turned off the video and wanted to delete it, I felt completely helpless and wanted to apologize profusely for crying, but then I got some. I took deep breaths (I felt like I was going to start crying and lose all control) and with a pause I managed to continue. My thought pattern went something like this…


Crying is a sign of weakness and you need to be the strong person guiding others…

Oh no, you’re going to start crying outrageously, that’s not a great look…

Wait a minute, you’re talking about self-acceptance here, and first you have to accept yourself, practice what you preach.

Just take a deep breath and look up, you’ve been told that looking up helps stop the tears.

Yes you can, you can put it together and you’re authentic, true to your feelings and emotions, you’ve had a rough few years and it’s a sensitive subject.

Talking about it is more important than worrying about a few tears… everyone is crying, you’re human and it’s okay Being imperfect and not always in control is a normal part of being human.

I understood that… now I can continue”

As someone with a deep psychological need to be in control and chart my own course, it’s really uncomfortable for emotions to tear me apart and unbalance me in a public forum like making a live video, but I also believe that vulnerability is an act. showing strength and courage and your human side helps others show theirs too.

How will you be kinder to yourself and improve your body image by practicing self-acceptance? I would like to know. Share it in the comments!

More Tips to Improve Your Body Image

Why Is Vulnerability an Act of Strength and Courage?

How Does Your Language Deeply Affect Your Style?

Why Are Your Words Important to Your Style and Self-Esteem?

Ways to improve your body image, self acceptance and style

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