10 Ways to Embrace Your Sensuality Beyond Valentine’s Day


Valentine’s Day has come and gone, and so have many of the messages about romance, plus-size underwear, poles and/or hugs. dance lessons and much more. There’s something wrong with all this hype around ‘find you sexy’ And ‘Being sexy for your love’, It doesn’t take long You get a class, you get a new set of underwear, you spend all that energy maintaining the illusion of lust, and then days later it shatters.

From where?

Because most people don’t know how and don’t want to talk about what it takes to have a sustainable relationship with your power. (or sexy in my world) carrying you day to day.

I’ll be honest, Valentine’s Day is actually one of my favorite times of the year! I value this time of year as an opportunity to restart my life. self love practice, remind myself to take my pleasure seriously and embracing the healing power of stepping into my sensuality.

10 Ways to Embrace Your Sensuality

You may not hear sensuality and healing in the same sentence, but my sensual dance lessons, Distributed Motion Laban unbreakable crossroads where we sit every week when we come to the dance floor.

In today’s article, I want to share with you 10 unusual ways to embrace the healing power of your sensuality and feel like a bombshell. Every day.

10 Ways to Embrace Your Sensuality Beyond Valentine’s Day

1. Throw away what you know about sensuality.

10 Ways to Embrace Your Sensuality
Image via Female Untamed Class

Let me first explain the true definition of sentimentality. To be sensual is to be instinctively connected, open, raw, vulnerable, accessible, and penetrating. Sensual is the opposite of lethargy.

Our sensory energy is the fuel we have access to throughout our daily lives, giving us the power to get us out of autopilot mode. so we really live. To be sensual is to feel life running through your veins, less is to disconnect.

We’ve been taught that a sensual bond with our bodies is unnecessary, or at least at the bottom of the priority list when it comes to life. Getting out of this mindset takes effort and dedication, but the reward is enormous once you wake your body from drowsiness.

2. Shed Light on Negative Thoughts and Habits

10 Ways to Embrace Your Sensuality
image via Rashida

The biggest obstacle to embracing your sensuality is how you think about yourself. Sexy starts from the inside. To truly stand in our power, we must be in a place of peace, joy, and radiance in our inner lives. Coming from this place, we ooze with effortless confidence and grace. The more willing you are to face yourself, the more you will begin to feel yourself shining!

Confronting yourself requires identifying the petty thoughts you hold about yourself and your life. When you can truly shed light on these limiting beliefs and open up space for a new truth to emerge, that’s when feel the change. When I face my own past and insecurities, I felt the weight stretched to perfection fall off me. Unmasking self-hatred Most of the time, the habits we don’t want to accept are the first step towards freedom.

3. Take Back the Stories Told You About Your Sexuality

10 Ways to Embrace Your Sensuality
image via Rashida

What is the story you were told about pleasure and sexuality growing up? What things about sex do you hold as ‘real’ today, even if it makes you feel a little limited?

A great way to describe the underlying story by embracing your sensuality, prominent women in your life they grow up and think about their relationship with their body and with love.

Have they always been dieting? Have they constantly commented on their weight? Did they take extraordinary care of themselves? Do they always make up and break up with someone? Have you ever seen them dating or were they too far from socializing?

All these different stories can settle in your own subconscious and feed into the way you allow yourself to express your emotionality now. Discover your expression and play with it and see what feels good for you, start shaping your own vision of what it would be like for you to be a fully expressed sensual woman.

There is no right or wrong here.

4. Free Up Time in Your Personal Care Program

10 Ways to Embrace Your Sensuality
Self-Care Through the Untamed Woman

When meeting with Untamed Female students, I constantly remind them that self-care is a priority in order to feel fit. If you wait until something goes wrong to take care of you, you don’t value your temple.

Just imagine, because your mobile phone is fairly new, it has a decent battery life. During the day, you use Facebook, Instagram, check your emails, message your loved ones and make a few calls. Since it’s a new battery you can get away with charging it that night, but the longer you go without charging, the slower the system will run. We are the same way. We literally have to stop and plug it into our power supply.

5. Create a Surrender Practice

10 Ways to Embrace Your Sensuality
image via Rashida

Nothing prevents us from being electrified by our emotionality more than holding on to dead weight, anger, doubt, and confusion. Make it a point to start each day with fresh eyes and a new perspective. If you need to name the things that weigh on your heart, write them down on a list and then repeat to yourself:

“In order to step into my light, I let go of everything that does not serve my highest good. I do not have to carry this burden alone.”


6. Treat your body as if you value it.

10 Ways to Embrace Your Sensuality
image via Rashida

Every now and then, when I buy myself flowers, I hide old flowers and cover the room with rose petals that lead to the bathroom. I’ll light some candles, throw rose petals into the water, and turn on my favorite music. This little gesture creates memories of pleasure and relaxation for times when my muscles are unbearably tense.

Too often, we keep pushing ourselves to the point where we run into smoke in our daily lives. We treat self-care as a reward rather than a necessity. When you let go of this mindset and see self-care as an integral part of being able to do what you do every day, you will feel a significant difference in your connection with your body.

7. Forgiveness Is The Way To Pleasure And Revitalizes Intimacy With The Person You Love

Our unwillingness to forgive—to let go—justifies our failure to do the actual work. If we can endure the pain of the problem long enough, we won’t actually have to do the healing work necessary to reopen our hearts.

10 Ways to Embrace Your Sensuality
image via Rashida

Learning the lesson is the easy part of passing romantic quizzes. Learning the lesson and not letting the pain numb or hurt the heart is where the real work comes in.

We use our stories of unforgiveness as a shield to prevent intimacy with our partners and God. We know that if we clear the past, let go of the problem, forgive, we will be vulnerable. And we’ve been taught that vulnerability makes us look stupid, weak, broken, helpless, worthless, and that is of course the last thing we need.

But really, vulnerability is our greatest strength.

8. Your Soul Is Not Sacrificed To Someone Else’s Healing.

Stop giving so much. Better yet, let me tell you this is to stop giving so much to the wrong people that you’re exhausted and lifeless. Nothing drives us faster than our strength, like pouring our precious energy into empty barrels. It’s an undeniable exchange of energy when you give it to the right people.

10 Ways to Embrace Your Sensuality
image via Rashida

Most of us have learned about self-sacrifice as our primary love language. It’s a poisonous and destructive habit that we need to burn right away. We can give ourselves up to the point where it makes us sick, and it does no one any good.

Learn when to say no and trust that those who respect and value you will honor your boundaries without question or hesitation.

9. Apply Loving Compassion to Your Body, Whatever It Is

when i first known I had to slow down for a moment when I noticed cracks forming in my stomach. I knew I was under some pressure, gained some weight, and didn’t want to be tough on myself. So instead of freaking out, I took a few pictures to capture the moment.

10 Ways to Embrace Your Sensuality
image via Rashida

It felt good and I want to encourage you to do the same. You don’t have to share them with anyone if you don’t feel like it, but photograph whatever part of your body embarrasses you the most from different angles. Then, write some in your spare time loving affirmations to look at yourself when it starts getting into your head again.

10. Create time + space for romance with your loved one and/or yourself

10 Ways to Embrace Your Sensuality
image via Rashida

Finally, if you’re a busy soul, like me, constantly moving from one project to another, you can spend an entire day working. For love, romance and intimacy to emerge, we actually need to make room for it! Remember, we make time for the things that are important to us.

Whether you’re single or head over heels in love, make room in your schedule to unwind. Turn off the computer, slowly cook a delicious dinner with nothing but torn fishing nets, grab your favorite playlist and savor the moment. You will not regret it.

I’d love to hear the tip you found most helpful in the comments. If you feel moved, tag and share this article with a friend.

Happy “Love your body and embrace your sensuality every day” Everyone!




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